Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tasmania - the North - West Region.

 The Spirit of Tasmania leg. Full steam across Bass Strait.
 Devonport to Ulverstone.
Ozzie the Tasmanian Devil, Harry & Karen get to pat the little critter.

Jackson & Richard also get the pat the devil.
Back in his home.

We hit the nut at Stanley.
The easy way up the Nut, Ahhhh, saved by the chairlift.
At the top.
A great view from the top.
The Stanley fishing fleet.
Pademelons on top of the Nut.
Stanley, town centre.
Ulverstone(A) to Stanley (B), Arthur River (C), Cradle Mountain (D) and Smithton (E)
Tarkine Forest and Dismal Swamp.
The vehicle is packed and ready for the Mountain Bike Coarse.

The 110 metre slide - 45 Km/h was top speed on the slide.
Karen prepares to slide.
Jackson pelts out from his slide.

Harry flies.
And catches a bug in the eye.

Completing the slide and swamp interpretive boardwalk.

The Mountain bike track - The Wandering Wombat.

The crew are ready to rumble.

An up hill grimace.
Drink break.

A twig in cog.

Down hill is the best part of the trek.

Finished. "Let's do it again."
Happy Birthday Jackson.

The next piece of land is in South America.

The kangaroos are so tough in Tasmania, they can pick up a vehicle with ease.

The edge of the world.
Let's build a hut. Bear Grills eat your heart out.

The end of a terrific birthday for Jackson.
Wally from the Seaquarium at Stanley.

In search of the BIG tree.

Imagine how old this tree must be??????
Dip Falls, pencil like pillars of basalt give this a good effect.

Karen and the boys

The tide drops a long way at Stanley.
The boys run around on the mudfats.

Convict ruins at Highfields.
Young calves are weened from their mothers. What a noise they make!!!!

1 comment:

jnmsala said...

hi Harry and Jackson you look like your having fun i just finished my just imagine story were leaving for uluru on th 5th of april

from Steven