Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hunters Creek Tag - a - long 4WD trek.

The day began with an early morning sunrise & a hearty breakfast.

Our tag-a-long tour took us along beaches, sand dunes and the creek system.

Keeping up with Brian, our Bardi Jaawi elder was a difficult task as he gunned it through the sand.

We arrived along Hunters Creek on the low tide.

Brian leads us through the mangroves , we are all checking out for croc tracks.

We head up a smaller creek to find the elusive mudcrab.

They were here last time I looked. 

Jake, Brian's grandson was here to spot the creatures in the water.

Trevally, sting ray, turtle, shark were all spotted in quick time.

We decide to have a fish for the elusive blue bone, 3 bites & 3 snags later 
we managed to catch only 2 small perch. 

Carl & Jake show some awesome hunting skills. Jake jumped from the car on the way back to camp, ripped off his shirt and bolted for the waters edge, a sprint of about 60 metres, he leapt 3-4 metres into the water. The whole tour thought he was going for a quick dip, as the water looked so inviting. To our gobsmacked surprise he left the water with a sea turtle firmly in his grip, it was absolutely brilliant. Harry then had the honour of putting the turtle back in the water, even though Jake was keen to take this home for the family.

Karen has the honour of displaying the biggest of the 4 mudcrabs we were lucky enough to receive on our tour. We cooked these up on the BBQ & they were tremendous.

The crab cooks in its on shell, this acts as a terrific saucepan.

The end of another action packed day. 

Harry and Jackson were told by Brian that they would need to drink the blood from the famous green sand dune bird, for over an hour we were discussing how we could not offend Brian if he caught the bird and offered it to the boys. Bottom line , they would have to drink it.
They said they would do it but thought it was going to be gross.

Half way through the trip, we stopped in the middle of a low scrub covered sand dune , Brian told the boys the story about the humming bird that got too greedy. His mother said not to drink too much of the nectar or they would be stuck to the tree. As it turns out, the bird didn't listen, 
it sucked the nectar that one time too many and it then became stuck to the tree as a flower. 
This was a tale told to children too stop them being greedy
Brian took one of these flowers from the tree, 
it was like an origami folded bird 
(except it was a natural flower that looked identical to the humming bird) 
The beak of the leaf was taken off and the sugary mix was consumed, it was sweet and refreshing. 
This was the bird Brian had wound Harry and Jackson up about. The blood was the nectar from the flower. The relief on their face was priceless.

Leaving Cape Leveque

The camp site was packed up in the morning and we farewelled our latest adventure - Kooljaman. 

On the way home we passed by the Gas hub protest. The protesters have been here for quite some time and are trying to block the development at Tom Price, where the gas hub will pipe to shore.

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