Saturday, July 9, 2011

Extra shots from our Broome stopover.

Harry really enjoys the Belly dancing at the Broome races.

Richard, Scott and Hannah take on the waves. 

The Mango Place - 10 kilometres out of Broome - Woodfired Pizzas.

Harry & Jackson help to prepare the meals.

Harry polishes off a Mango Mocktail.

Fishing - North Cable Beach. We travelled 4 kilometres Norht of Cable Beach , right through the Nudist beach. The boys were not really impressed. Harry killed himself laughing at all the wrinkly bits that werer on show.

Our fishing spot, the high tide was coming in to the 9.23m mark, so the cars needed to be as high up the beach as possible.

Harry lands a blue lip salmon.

Jackson holds Harry's second fish, a lovely whiting.

Karen is becoming hooked on fishing.

Coral prawns for bait, plenty of bites on the incoming tide, very little on the outgoing tide. A terrific day. A bit thanks to Allen, our local guide for the day.

The cars are safe from the tide, how to get them out though?????

Karen Lands a whiting, they tasted great for dinner .

A sea snake is stranded up the beach, it looked rather sluggish.

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