Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Harry brings home the squid and cutttlefish. The meal was delicious.

 Hannah, Harry & Angus - Our good friends , the Vitelli's.

The 1.8 kilometre Busselton Jetty.

 The train runs each hour to take visitors out to the observation tank.

 The end of the track.

 OH no, the storm clouds are coming over , how quick can we cover the 1.8 kms.
The Gift shop and Musuem.

Hazzla lands his first cuttlefish.

Can you tell that we were impressed with the jetty?

How many Jetty photos?

We must have spent a whole week on the jetty!!!!!

Another jetty at the Happs winery.

Our winery tour included our good friends, Sandra, Corina, Scott, Megs and Glen, along with the kids - Harry, Jackson, Hannah and Angus.

Hitting the brewery for lunch.

Cape Naturaliste Winery.
When your vineyard is going well, you can afford a nice boat.

The Chocolate Factory, Jackson & Angus pigout.

Our teansport for the tour
This is what we came home with.

1 comment:

TGWE said...

Hi Guys, Well done on the catch at Busselton.